We’re searching for an eco-anthem

Calling musicians of the world!

We’re searching for a simple, compelling song that nature lovers around the world will want to sing. Whether you’re a professional musician or record from your bedroom, we want to hear your song for Mother Earth. We seek songs that celebrate the wonders of our planet, such as mountains, rivers, and oceans, and emphasise the importance of protecting these precious eco-systems.


1st Prize: £2000

2nd Prize: £1000

3rd Prize: £500

Winners will also receive a professional recording of their song and we aim for widespread distribution via social media, downloads, and airplay.

This project is supported by Artists Project Earth, who have supporting global ecological initiatives for 15 years with top artists in collaboration with The Resurgence Trust, which publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine and The Ecologist website, the pioneering, voices in the ecology movement for over 50 years. Learn more here.

We’d also like to thank Fattoria La Vialla for supporting this project.

Submission details

We encourage artists from all walks of life to apply for this competition, especially those from marginalised backgrounds who lack access to funding for recording studios and other resources.

Before submitting your song, ensure you’ve read our eligibility requirements: 

  • If you are under 18 years old, you warrant to us that your parents/guardians have consented to your entry and to these Rules, which they have read. Proof of age and identity may be required.

  • Songs in all languages are welcome but your submission should include an English translation of the lyrics.

  • The song must be between 2 to 5 minutes in length. 

  • Entries must be submitted as high-quality audio files (MP3/WAV) via email. 

  • Each participant can submit up to two songs. Each entry must be submitted separately.

  • Group entries are allowed. If a group entry wins, the prize will be awarded to the group as a whole.

  • Songs that have been previously released or distributed are not eligible. Each entry must be an original, unpublished musical composition that has not be commercially exploited, and for which the contestant retains the copyright. 

  • We only accept songs that are written and performed by humans. AI-generated music is not accepted. 

  • Artists from anywhere in the world are eligible to enter. However, our studio recording offer is currently available only in the UK. Participants will need to cover their own travel and lodging expenses unless we can secure funding to assist with these additional costs.

  • Submissions from individuals affiliated with Resurgence Trust or Artist Project Earth will not be accepted.

  • By submitting your entry, you warrant to us that your song is your own original creation and must not have been previously released or awarded a prize in any other competition. 

How to submit

To submit your song/s, please send an MP3 or WAV as an email attachment or as a link to a shared drive to yasmin.ecoanthem@gmail.com by 30th September 2024.

Please include the following details:

  1. Your full name and contact number.

  2. Confirmation of having read our eligibility agreement.

  3. Any web-links or social media channels (if available).

Please feel free to reach out it you have any questions. There is no fee required to submit your song/s.


Annie Lennox, Eurythmics

“Eco–Anthem is a timely initiative, calling upon all songwriters to create a simple, inspiring anthem that everyone can sing to express love and reverence for Nature, Humanity, and Future Generations. I love this idea and am really curious to hear the winning Eco–Anthem!”

Mick Jones, The Clash

“I am pleased to endorse this international competition. The world needs uplifting messages, and there is no better way to present them than as songs that people may want to sing together. I am looking forward to listening to the songs that emerge from this Eco–Anthem competition.”

Meet the judges

  • Satish Kumar

    Peace-pilgrim, life-long activist, and former monk, Satish Kumar has been inspiring global change for over 50 years. He undertook a pilgrimage for peace, walking for two years without money from India to America for the cause of nuclear disarmament. Now in his 80s, Satish has devoted his life to campaigning for ecological regeneration and social justice. He is a world-renown author and international speaker, founder of The Resurgence Trust and Editor Emeritus of Resurgence & Ecologist – a change-making magazine he edited for over 40 years.

  • Herbert Girardet

    Since the 1980s Herbert has been working as a cultural ecologist – as a writer, filmmaker and international consultant. He has worked as a consultant for UN Habitat and UNEP. In 2007 he was co-founder of the World Future Council and, until 2012, he was its Director of Programmes. He is the author and co-author of 14 books and 50 TV documentaries concerned with the interaction between global civilisation and nature. He is a full member of the Club of Rome, and a trustee of Resurgence/ Ecologist, and of Artists Project Earth.

  • Molly Astley

    Molly Astley is a London based interdisciplinary artist, musician and poet. She has had work in the ICA, performed in Camden Art Centre, and most recently taken part in a project with Holly Herndon for the Serpentine Gallery, with Musarc Choir. She is enrolled in the Art & Ecology MA programme at Goldsmiths, where she is developing her project ‘Songs of Silt’ - a 12 person environmental choral performance. She believes in deep listening to both our inner and outer landscapes, and is a graduate of the Tamalpa Life/Art process.