Helping to repair Sandy storm damage at Source Farm Ecovillage, Jamica
Source Farm Ecovillage was founded by the Shirley family, Jamaican immigrants to the US in the 1990s. They returned to Jamaica five years ago – their Source – to create a Permaculture-based ecovillage and educational centre. Teachers and community activists, they and other ecovillage members operate a remedial education programme for at-risk local school children, a women’s crafts and sewing collective with local Jamaican women, and teach Permaculture and earthbag-building to friends and neighbours and people from the US.
On October 24, 2012 Hurricane Sandy visited the Eastern Shores of Jamaica and swept through the community leaving much damage to the Source Farm and surrounding communities. It was fortunate that no lives were lost however a number of important structures were damaged.
Source Farm are reaching out to the larger Ecovillage Network and Global Community for assistance to help repair and restore these important structures so they can continue to do the important work within the community and Jamaica.
The Source Farm Ecovillage would like to thank APE so much for your offer of finanical assistance as we rebuild after Hurricane Sandy. As you know creating ecovillages or intentional communities are truly a labor of love and often done with limited financial resources. The assistance you offer will go a long way in purchasing materials and supplies to help us rebuild. The entire community thanks APE and looks forward to sharing with you photos of the rebuild and repaired structures.