Addressing the ‘nature deficit disorder’ in our schools
In the school grounds of St Andrew’s, North Kilworth there is a ‘quiet area’ approximately 13 metres square and a ‘nature area’ of the same size. The project aims to install 3 raised wooden plant beds in the ‘quiet area’, in which the school’s gardening club can begin to grow vegetables and wildlife-friendly flowers, helping the whole school to learn about growing food, not just going to the supermarket! The nature area has a collection of indigenous wild flowers, a circle of wooden ‘mushroom’ seats and a storyteller’s chair, compost bins, a bird table, log pile and a leaking pond. The plan is to replace the old pond, incorporating a creature friendly ‘shore’, bog area for specific plants and a bridge type ‘dipping platform’ at one side. This will complete a natural, peaceful and inspiring study and relaxation area for children at the school, providing a vital link to the natural world and setting a precedent for other schools to follow.