Resurgence magazine’s award winning carbon calculators
Resurgence promotes ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values. Resurgence online is a unique resource providing a wealth of information on environmental and social issues that aims to inform as well as inspire change.
In our climate change section we present the information, tools and philosophical perspectives to enable individuals be part of the growing movement for change towards a more just and sustainable world.
We highlight groundbreaking articles by leading writers and visionaries on key issues including climate change, biocultural diversity, economics and agriculture. This section also includes feature articles on pioneers, innovative ideas for change and the Resurgence Carbon Calculators.
Climate change is a symptom of the decisions humanity has made to date.
Understanding our own contribution to climate change within the context of the wider climate change debate is crucial if profound solutions are to be implemented in response to the crises of our time.
With government targets and grassroots campaigns such as 10:10 challenging us to cut UK’s carbon emissions by fixed amounts over the coming years, individuals increasingly want to know the ‘carbon consequence’ of their daily choices. The Resurgence Carbon Calculators enables individuals to easily and accurately assess their own carbon footprint, with a view to making positive changes.
The original Resurgence Carbon Calculator, widely regarded as the best online tool for working out your yearly carbon footprint, has been re-released ready for 2010 with the latest science and best data, thanks to the generous funding of APE.
Created by low-carbon pioneer, Mukti Mitchell, the Resurgence Carbon Calculator is so accurate that even a £1 saving in electricity over a year will show up in the calculations.
The Resurgence calculator allows people to specify important factors that significantly affect their emissions, for example, using different fuels such as wood, blue or red gas bottles. In a recent survey of all carbon footprint calculators by the Climate Outreach Information Network, the Resurgence calculator was cited as “best overall” and “most accurate” for land and air travel.
“The new calculator includes 27 types of car and four classes of air travel to make it more accurate for each user. People also have the satisfaction of seeing how small carbon reductions are reflected in their footprint.” Mukti Mitchell
Resurgence has also launched a ‘Quick Calculator’. Ideal for busy people, this calculator guides people through the process of working out their carbon footprint without the need to refer to energy bills, while maintaining an accurate outcome.
The new calculators have received excellent reviews from environmental professionals and the general public. Community groups, universities and government departments are using the carbon calculators to support their own projects designed to raise awareness about carbon emissions.
Examples of how the carbon calculators are being used include :
“We are using your Resurgence Quick Carbon Calculator as part of a community action to monitor and lower our Carbon footprint.” Marie Parker, Low Carbon Guide, Harrogate Borough Council.
“Pleased to find your Carbon Calculator(s). Especially good to see the actual conversion factors expressly stated in the full one.” David Somervell, Sustainability Adviser, University of Edinburgh.
“A survey on the internet revealed your site: we were very impressed by the depth and knowledge of the information, allowing for an elaborate personal scrutiny that can really drive personal change.” Alon Shepon, researcher in the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel working on the science of sustainability.
The new online calculator isn’t designed to make people feel guilty about their lifestyle. On the contrary, such tools are empowering. If you start from the level you are at and reduce it by a small amount every year you will be doing your bit – the same as everyone else. Cutting your carbon is much easier than you think!
To read more about the Resurgence perspective on Climate change and find out your own carbon footprint: