‘Ambassadors for Change’ aims to train, mentor and resource 72 motivated individuals equipped to shift attitudes within the church relating to climate change.

Operation Noah is an ecumenical Christian charity with a single focus. It challenges the church to realise that care for creation and concern about climate change are foundational to the Christian message. For Christians these are key issues which require a response; as individuals, as local churches and as a national Church.

Its work is based on sound theological underpinning. Our Ash Wednesday Declaration provides a biblical imperative for action and response, and is endorsed by leaders of all the main denominational leaders within the UK and wider, and also by all the main Christian environmental groups. It provides an excellent unifying document and a good basis for introducing the topic

Over 70% of the UK population call themselves Christian (2001 census); the power of the churches to change perceptions and influence policy is immense. We are seeking to build up a team of 72 ‘Ambassadors’ over the next 3 years – volunteers who will work in pairs as part of a major spiritual and environmental initiative, underpinned by the Ash Wednesday Declaration, a unifying document which provides a biblical imperative for action and response that all Christians need to own. They will galvanise churches and key people in their area into action.

Operation Noah is always looking out for innovative ways to reach people and to cut through the ‘shrug culture’. We have a ‘comedian-in-residence’, Paul Kerensa, on the basis that humour helps to engage with people.

Funding from APE will be used to help in the production of an online toolkit, tailored specifically to the supporting the work of the Ambassadors, incorporating:

Ideas for clear and achievable actions for radical lifestyle change,

church and community change advocacy initiatives

the use of humour

recent research into theories of behaviour change

outline talks and presentations

advice on responding to ‘sceptics’,

scientific and policy briefings.

We want church-goers in this country to become passionate about averting climate chaos; for the next generation, for non-human species and for God. This passion will spill over not only into life-style choices, but into demands on churches to come clean in their energy and investment choices, and into climate campaigning and advocacy.

Operation Noah is delighted to have this grant from APE to help us in the production of an innovative toolkit to support the work of the Ambassadors for Change.


