To mark the centenary of the birth of E.F. Schumacher, the Schumacher Society is presenting the Schumacher Centenary Festival, in Bristol, on Saturday and Sunday, October 8 & 9 2011
The annual Schumacher lectures have been held in Bristol since 1978 – and this year, they are returning to their original venue, Bristol’s Colston Hall – which in recent years has been transformed with a brand new multi-level foyer building.
Not only will the Schumacher Society be presenting probably their finest selection of speakers ever, but the day will be capped with a very special world music concert in this wonderful, 1800-seat hall. It is expected that the majority of the daytime audience will remain for the concert, which is also be open to the public.
Speakers include
Bill Mckibben, Founder of & author of End of Nature
Caroline Lucas MP, leader of the Green Party
Prof. Tim Jackson, Author of Prosperity Without Growth
Polly Higgins, Environmental lawyer
Rob Hopkins, Co-founder of the Transition Network
Satish Kumar, Editor of Resurgence magazine
Peter Blom, CEO of Triodos Bank
Matt Harvey, Poet
Vandana Shiva, Environmentalist and global campaigner
Simon Trace, Chief Executive Practical Action
Artists Project Earth has support the evening concert, which is being organised by WOMAD Founder Thomas Brooman.
The final line-up will be announced in early September 2011.