Optimizing social, economic, psychological and physical health and well-being of individuals within slums, drawing on their own talent and creativity.
Slum Talent Trust is aN NGO registered in Kenya in March 2009 with a mandate to work in Kenya’s city slums. We are innovative and come up with practical applications for slum dwellers creating integrated interventions in social and environmental matters. Our goal is to optimize social, economic, psychological and physical health and wellbeing of individuals within slums, drawing on their own talent and creativity.
We do this through talent development, educational support, information and skills training, advice on social legal and health matters, creation of social awareness and encouraging a positive self-image.
In most homes in the slums, food is scarce and children are barely educated. With poor or no education at all, children grow up vulnerable to various social and environmental challenges. There is a heavy toll of HIV/AIDS exemplified by the high number of Aids orphans; many young boys and girls with talent just idle around increasing their susceptibility to antisocial behavior like drug and alcohol use, and that’s why Slum Talent Trust comes in to help them nurture and use their talents to earn a living and protect the environment.
The organization works with youth with talent living in city slums in providing opportunity for self development and going through a participatory process which enhances the acknowledgement of development gaps created by bias socialization processes which have contributed to the disempowered state in which they find themselves.
We also partner with local organized groups e.g., local community members, CBOs, FOBs, NGOs, local administration and other like-minded individuals to run our projects
Some of our project components are:-
Talent for self reliance (production of audio/visual songs)
Climate change and Human Rights awareness
Socio–economic empowerment
Sponsorship (education, food, clothing and health)
Environmental protection
Slum Talent Trust exists to bridge the economic and social gaps for these groups of people in our project target areas.
Our future plan is to develop a modern Talent & Climate Change Centre with school, recreation facilities, recording studio and health centre. Products from this centre will be sold in local/international exhibitions and the money raised to be used for sustainability of our projects.