A brighter future for people in Nepal.
People experiencing energy poverty lack collateral and financial capacity to pay for clean, modern energy sources upfront. To reduce the per-household cost and reach the poorest of the poor, a community-charging model of solar-rechargeable LEDs will be developed. This model will be placed in a central location of the target community and people will bring their rechargeable solar lamps to charge there. This way, people will buy only rechargeable lamps which means it will not be necessary for each consumer to buy the costlier solar panels, making modern energy resources available to all. By eliminating recurring costs associated with candles, kerosene, disposable batteries and diesel, this model of making energy more available will enable users to save time and money.
Linkages with Climate Change
It is an alarming fact that more than billion people still lack access to clean, modern and efficient energy services globally. The percentage is even higher in developing countries like Nepal where the majority of the population is still dependent on fuel wood and other traditional sources of energy to fulfill their energy demands. This dependency on fossil fuels and firewood leads to deforestation and carbon emissions which are the primary causes behind climate change. Energy availability cuts across all sectors of development, for example, improving health services, providing clean water, enabling better communications, facilitating education, improving food security etc. Clean energy reduces the risk of fire in properties, fumes and associated health problems for students and women doing household chores, increases productive hours in the evening, powers information technologies like mobile phones, delivers environmental benefits via carbon emission reductions and increased belief in villagers that a brighter future is possible.
Desired Outcome
We are undertaking a feasibility study of establishing ecoKendras in three districts of Nepal. The model is self-sustainable because it is generating income through different sources. This also means that the programme won’t require additional funding to expand and replicate to other areas of Nepal in future as initial investment can be revolved to establish newer ecoKendras continuously. The possible outcomes of this enterprise will be as follows;
a) 4 ecoKendras in 3 districts
b) Over 20 green jobs created
c) Minimum 500 households have access to clean energy services
“We are delighted to hear that our project has been accepted for funding by APE. These funds will offer opportunity to realize our renewable energy projects that will help to enhance access of poor people to solar powered technologies and create green jobs. Thanks a lot.”