Local food for local people – an achievable solution to reducing carbon emissions.
Transition Foodwill empower the UK’s many ‘Transition’ groups to democratically develop local food strategies. The local sustainable production and distribution of food can play a positive role in the health and wellbeing of communities and the environment and this project will work with communities at all stages of the journey from passive industrialised consumption to active local production, in order to catalyse the rapid transformation of our food systems nationally. This will be achieved by mapping the unsustainable nature of current food systems and reallocating existing resources towards new, local strategies for production. The project will support rural and urban food production and link existing farmers and growers with local communities thereby reaching a wider market. There will be an element of shared good practice around developing and implementing local food strategies, increasing the demand for and production of sustainable food, eventually substantially reducing food’s contribution to climate change and fossil-fuel depletion.